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C. Lee Vermeers is convinced that he has been dead for the last 20 years or so. He requires a constant infusion of paper books or his head will collapse. He actually likes Irish cuisine, except that he can't eat beef. No one seems to laugh at the things he finds really funny. He is preparing for No Future, even though we are already there. Whoops. Maybe that could have been timed better. He may be found at A Wolf-Man, Not A Wolf In Man's Clothing



Maya St.Clair is an Irish Polytheist dedicated to her Irish household deities.  She is an amateur writer, owner of a few websites including the Celtic Scholar's Reviews and Opinions blog, an avid reader and researcher and a mechanical engineer. She is a mix of two very different cultures that seem to complement each other somehow. For the most part, she is a seeker and loves to share her discoveries with her peers. She may be found at Irish Thoughts and Musings 




Ceffyl Aedui finds inspiration for modern life in the past, especially by researching continental Celtic, Gaulish, Gallo-Roman, and Roman societies. During the day, she is a professional writer at a large software company. As a dedicant of Epona, she tries to combine the spiritual and mundane and horsey in everyday life. She is currently owned by three mares and a cat. She may be found at  Horse Goddess



Morgan Daimler is a follower of both Irish and Norse polytheism, dedicated to Macha and Odin. Currently working on earning a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Morgan keeps herself busy writing and blogging in various places and raising an unruly family with her traditions. She also teaches locally and regionally with a focus on Irish polytheism and the Celtic Fairy Faith. Morgan may be found at Living Liminally



Who is Finnchuill? Not hard: From bright hazels he comes, from waters dark and light, smooth and seething, from a confluence of knowledge and non-knowledge. Finnchuill is a practitioner of filidecht, a druid, Brigidine flamekeeper, experimental reconstructionist pagan and polytheist. A writer, poet, and college educator, he lives with his partner amid an ever-proliferating library somewhere in the liminal shoals of the San Francisco Bay Area. He may be found at Finnchuill's Mast




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